How to cut a cat’s nails

Cats have sharp claws and can get too playful when interacting with their owners, so keeping them trimmed is the best way to keep your owners and your couch safe.

Cat clippers are ideal for some cats, especially those with tiny nails.

There are also commercial cat nail clippers in your veterinarian, pet supply store or mail-order catalog.

They are designed to cut your cat’s nails at the right Angle without the risk of splitting or chipping them.

These nail clippers are designed to act like scissors or a circular guillotine.

The best nail clippers have very sharp edges and comfortable handles.

Get your cat used to having a paw held from an early age.

The best time to cut your nails is when your cat is relaxed.

Like after a nap.

It’s usually easiest to get both hands involved in the process, with one hand holding it and silencing it while the other cuts it.

A cat that has confidence in its owner can do a good job of clipping nails with one hand.

Hold the paw, gently press it with your fingers and push the nail out of the paw with your thumb.

Use your other hand to trim the nails.

Don’t forget to cut the “thumb”, on the inside of the front leg.

And don’t forget how many toes cats have, called “polytoes,” which need to be trimmed. Some cats have seven toes on each foot.

Just cut the tip of the nail, which is generally white, to avoid cutting the live pink flesh, which will bleed.

If you cut too much, use a hemostat or cornstarch to stop the bleeding, or use its paw to rake soap to stop the bleeding.

Do it quickly, and let your cat go if it starts to get upset, even if it’s just one or two PAWS.

You can continue this later.

Reward him by playing with him or giving him special care, so he will have a good association with nail clipping.

Always cut your cat’s nails before bathing.

Cats have sharp toenails with hooks at the end, which they use for catching mice, climbing, and defending themselves. They grow quickly and have a habit of grinding toenails to keep them sharp (a female weapon) or to keep them from being too long for walking, and to keep up with fashion trends.

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